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Mountain Boarding could be extreme as you would like it to be, but it should always be a safe sport. It is much better to not get hurt and discredit the sport because of that than to enjoy the sport for what it is, follow the rules and you should be safe. Below you will see most of the basic safety guidelines that if followed will get you keep riding.

1. Always remember to wear safety gear that includes a helmet, wrist-guard, elbow as-well as the knee pads, additionally you could also get padded shorts, which is a great protection wear not mentioning the body armor.

2. Always analyze and ride within you own limits, DO NOT look at others if you want to be safe, having more than a couple of falls should let you know of how much speed you can control, how big of a jump you can handle. You are the best judge in your limits. If you at-least think you cant do it THEN DON'T, leave it for another day maybe.

3. Most important safety protocol is DON'T RIDE ALONE, even if you have no one to ride with, make sure that at-least you are in the view of others in-case you get hurt or brake a leg and cant move.


4. Always remember to tell someone where are you going, which track you are going for, and when should you be back, so that even if you are along others, and none of you are capable for calling help in any case.


5. Always check for any problems with you phone, for example: low batteries, no signal, no credit and any other you can think of.


6. Before leaving for a ride, check you mountain board because they do get shaken a-lot which can cause some nuts and bolds get loose from time to time. Give your board a regular check before each ride if it needs fixing, this should be the most important rules out of all of them.

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